Changelog of SOSstat VPAQ
In this page, you can follow the evolution of the developments SOSstat VPAQ, software for the validation quantitative analytical procedures.
2.1 (10/03/2021) -> (13/11/2024)
- [New]Export report data in ODT format for word processor
- [Mod] Modification of the dialog box for entering passwords
- [New] Add an audit trail to track all data modifications
- [Mod] Improvement of the prevalidation
2.0 (02/10/2019) -> 2.0.4 (20/07/2020)
- [New] New framework
- Bug] Correction of storage of LOD measurements
- [Mod] Changing standalone licenses
- [Mod] Modification of menus and button bar
- [Mod] Improvement of RTF export
- [Mod] Adding tables in the RTF report
- [New] New calculation of LOD according to USP41 and IUPAC/ISO methods
1.6.0 (08/11/2018) -> 1.6.2 (11/04/2019)
- [New] Include or exclude a row in the data grid
- [New] 64bit compilation
- [New] New open file format for long-term storage of results and data integrity assurance
- [New] Encrypting files for data protection
- [New] Checking the integrity of file data
- [Bug] Improved support for files with missing data
- [New] Added fields allowing the user to enter calibration or validation notes
- [New] Calculation of the detection limit (LOD) according to 3 methods
- [Mod] RTF document update
- [Mod] Updating the PDF document
- [New] Calculation of absolute acceptance limits and absolute tolerance limits on the linearity graph
1.5.0 (23/02/2018) -> (1.5.1) 10/05/2018
- [New] Added performance indices calculation to help select the best response function
- [New] Automatic calculation of performance indices for all models
- [Mod] Improvement of the algorithm for calculating LOQs in the case of disjoint concentration ranges
- [New] Information on the partial or total validity of the method
1.4.6 (01/11/2017) -> 1.4.7 (24/01/2018)
- [New] Silent installation for standalone versions of VPAQ
- [Bug] Improved file name handling with accented characters
- [Bug] Fixed an error when generating multiple pdf reports as a result
- [Bug] Fixed tooltips that are not showing
1.4.5 (24/02/2017) -> (01/03/2017)
- [New] Embedding of German translation
- [Mod] Fix of R2 in case of Calibration with one point
- [Mod] Improved copy and paste in the datagrid with possibility to cancel the entries.
- [Mod] Changing the PDF report to better take into account internationalisation
- [New] Silent installation for SOSstat single-user versions
1.4.3 (12/09/2016) -> 1.4.4 (22/11/2016)
- [New] Test for detection of outliers on calibration and validation data
- [Mod] Improvement of the GUI in the identification zone
- [Bug] Rearranging results for studies with and without matrix
- [New] Addition of colored lines in the data grids to help identify the series
- [New] New dialog box to confirm the creation of a new grid
- [Mod] Optimisation of computational algorithms to improve their speed
- [New] Documentation in English
1.4.1 (29/10/2015)-> 1.4.2 (06/02/2016)
- [New] Control Filename extensions for saving files
- [Mod] Improvement of copy-paste in datagrid
- [New] Support for irregular experiences matrices, where data are missing.
- [New] New validation report
1.4.0 (01/06/2015)
- [New] Added an RTF export of the report to complete a report in a word processor.
- [New] Ability to define variables acceptance limits versus concentrations (in the case of acceptance limit is wider near the LOQ).
- [Mod] Added the header of the analysis in the custom report
- [Mod] Ability to concatenate analyzes in the custom report
- [Mod] Added a logo in the custom report
- [Bug] Fixed the display of response functions for linear models with transformation
- [Mod] Display calibration models with and without Matrix
- [Mod] Automatic Opening of PDF report with the software associated with the .pdf extension
- [Mod] Automatic Opening of RTF report with the software associated with the .rtf extension
- [Mod] The field "correction coefficient " accept formulas
- [Mod] Ability to make prevalidation with a single series
1.3.7 (03/05/2015)
- [New] Added shortcut CTRL+C CTRL+V et CTRL+X in the data grid (in addition to the popup menus)
- [Mod] Possibility of a calibration without measurement repetition
- [Mod] Ability to make a validation with only 2 series and 2 points