Training services

Trainings EDC

Training services

We offer our customers a wide range of training courses in applied statistics. The subjects covered are mainly related to experimentation, metrology and quality control. They therefore concern a wide range of company departments: Research and Development, Metrology, Methods, Production, whatever the field of activity.

Our aim is to provide companies with “tailor-made” training courses. These in-company services are at the heart of your company's concerns, enabling your employees to apply the knowledge they have acquired effectively.

EDC is Qualiopi certified for training activities certificate


Quality certification has been awarded for the following category of action: TRAINING ACTIONS

The Qualiopi mark is issued by certification bodies accredited or authorized by the French Accreditation Committee (Cofrac) on the basis of national quality standards. This certification attests to the quality of our skills development process. In addition, it enables our customers to benefit from a wide range of public and mutual funding possibilities.


SOSstat plans d'expériences

The teaching methods used encourage interactivity, offering trainees real-life exercises based on multimedia technologies.

We have developed a wide range of educational software "Serious Games ” to facilitate the application and understanding of tools such as SPC, design of experiments, statistical testing and sampling control.

Numerous examples of industrial data analysis are processed using SOSstat or other commercial software depending on the company's needs.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

Nous adaptons nos formations en fonction des situations de handicap annoncées (modalités pédagogiques). En cas de besoins spécifiques, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Notre référent handicap se tient à votre disposition afin de faciliter l'accueil, l'accessibilité et l'apprentissage des stagiaires en situation de handicap.

For further details, please consult our welcome booklet

Training courses

Training plans are given for guidance only, and are tailored to each customer's specific needs and priorities.

Training by theme

Last update : 29 octobre 2024

Performance indicators

The implementation of satisfaction indicators, in line with the RNQ and Qualiopi certification standards, takes into account all the current year's training courses.

Indicators Value
Date 29 octobre 2024
Satisfaction 98%
Training courses recommended by trainees 94%
People trained in 2024 158