SOSstat Changelog


In this page, you can follow the progress of SOSstat developments

SOSstat 4.0 (13/09/2023) -> (26/07/24)

  • [New] New development environment and code optimization for improved software performance
  • [Mod] Search for k smallest or k largest values in the grid
  • [New] Support for svg files under Windows
  • [Mod] Improved quality of exported images
  • [New] New high-definition icons
  • [New] Confidence interval calculation wizard
  • [New] Better support for the dark theme
  • [Mod] Support for quantitative factors in full factorial designs

SOSstat 3.5 (14/05/2023) -> (23/05/2023)

  • [New] Outlier detection: MADe test added
  • [New] Outlier detection: Tukey test added
  • [Mod] Descriptive statistics: MAD indicator added
  • [Mod] Measurement capability : Add measurement table in the report
  • [Mod] Descriptive statistics: Modification of results table formatting
  • [New] Descriptive statistics: Treatment of categorical variables (23/05/2022) -> (15/03/2023)

  • [Mod] Boxplot : option to sort the variables in alphabetical order
  • [New] Simple regression : residuals can be stored in a new data grid
  • [Mod] Multiple regression : anova table for coefficients
  • [New] Summary statistics for data range by right click
  • [New] Serial tests : addition of the equivalence test of average
  • [New] Ajout d'une boite de dialogue pour gérer les propriétés des colonnes (17/09/2021) -> (16/05/2022)

  • [Mod] Equivalence tests: adding intermediate results to the report
  • [New] Addition of an unsupervised classification method: Kmeans and Gaussian Mixtures
  • [New] Add a scatter plot with category identification
  • [Mod] Improved correlation matrices and color scales
  • [Mod] Add a contextual menu on the data grids to rename and add grids
  • [Mod] Modification of the setup to solve permission problems
  • [Mod] Add a message in case of network failure
  • [Mod] Update of the documentation
  • [New] Ability to export a report in a language other than the default language
  • [Mod] Improved graphics for testing multiple proportions
  • [Mod] Bartlett's test, taking into account zero standard deviations (01/06/2021) -> (11/09/2021)

  • [Mod] Update of the documentation in English
  • [Mod] Update of the German translations
  • [Mod] Improvement of the design of experiments prediction tool
  • [Mod] Sample plan wizard, calculation of average sample size
  • [Mod] Improvement of the serial link with the addition of a timeout in the connection tests 01/03/2021 -> 12/05/2021

  • Report: direct export of the analyses into a report in Open Document (ISO) format compatible with most word processors
  • [Mod] Added protection not to overwrite data in grids for function numbers (DOE, row operations, stack/unstack data, random number generator)
  • Import and export projects to duplicate analyses from one file to another
  • [Mod] Sampling plans wizard: calculation of the average number of parts to be checked
  • [Mod] Process capability : calculation of the short term capability (several samples) even if only one column of data is selected
  • [Mod] Kruskal-Wallis test: automatic exclusion of samples of size n=1
  • [Mod] Outlier testing: setting up tests for several samples
  • (Mod] Deletion of the login. The system username is retrieved automatically. 11/01/2021 -> 10/02/2021

  • [Mod] Design of experiments: Modification of regression graphs and DOE
  • [Mod] Experimental designs: Analysis of residues in options
  • [Mod] Measurement capabilities : Addition of configurable detection thresholds
  • [New] Type 1 measurement capabilities: Adds customizable detection thresholds and new graphics
  • [New] Simple regression: Addition of orthogonal regression, which can be used for equivalences of measurement methods
  • [New] New display format for analysis results, with the possibility of direct printing
  • [Mod] Improved processing and graphics speed on the Windows 10 platform
  • [Mod] Statistical tests: redesign of graphics
  • [Mod] Linearity of the measurement: addition of a relative bias criterion

SOSstat 3.4 01/11/2020 -> 03/12/2020

  • [Mod] Improved calculation time for D-optimal plans
  • [New] Measurement bias: tests on acceptable deviation
  • [Bug] Complete plan: Saving level labels
  • [Mod] Improved graphics speed
  • [New] Transfer of tolerances: addition of the quadratic model
  • [Mod] S plans: option to display sample labels
  • [Mod] Filtering: new data filtering criteria added
  • [New] Robust regression (Passing-Bablok) 14/10/2020

  • [Mod] Improved report printing
  • [Mod] Improved image quality in rtf reports and pdf printing
  • [Mod] Boxplot: addition of the 6 Sigma interval as an option
  • [New] Addition of principal component analysis
  • [New] 3D graph: Adding a 2D contour graph
  • [Mod] Report: possibility to change the order of analyzes -> 3.4.5 01/09/2020

  • [Mod] Sampling plan wizard: Addition of the reliability indicator R95
  • [Mod] Sampling plans wizard: Storage of parameters in the project
  • [Mod] Efficiency curves: Addition of the reliability indicator R95
  • [Mod] Efficiency curves: Storage of parameters in the project
  • [New] Automatic report: possibility to change the order of analyzes
  • [New] Two-level fractional designs: automatic assignment of factors in columns
  • [Mod] Multiple tests: applying tests against a reference sample
  • [Mod] Multiple tests: added standard deviation comparison test (Fisher test) and Ansari-Bradley test
  • [Mod] Normality test : possibility to test the normality of several samples (in row or in column) 07/05/2020

  • [New] Population equivalence test taking into account replications (FDA)
  • [Mod] Density estimation: Update the display when the scale factor is changed
  • [Mod] Addition of a modality selection button for data filtering
  • [Mod] Control chart, addition of a label per sample
  • [Mod] Improved graphics
  • [Mod] Improved some graphics
  • [Mod] Update of the documentation in French and English 2/03/2020 -> 3/04/2020

  • [New] Two-level fractional design of experiments
  • [New] Dialog box allowing to unlock files
  • [Mod] Application of a correlation test in the correlation matrix
  • [Bug] Protect input in multi-characteristic capabilities
  • [Mod] Improved RTF export
  • [New] Added Boxplot + Histogram chart in descriptive statistics function

SOSstat 3.3 03/07/2019 -> 03/02/2019

  • [New] Multicharacteristic Sampling plan for measures: sampling plan processing
  • [Mod] Improvement of the sampling plan wizard with the inclusion of capabilities
  • [New] Accessing SOSstat example files from the help menu
  • [Mod] Improved display of non-parametric test results
  • [Mod] UTF8 fixes
  • [Mod] Adding column names in Excel exports
  • [New] Setting up protection to prevent concurrent opening of files
  • [New] Desirability function for optimizing multiple responses in designs of experiments
  • [New] Second method for calculating the number of replications for designs of experiments
  • [Mod] Test of normality integrated into capability studies
  • [Mod] Improved rendering of 3D Surfaces with interpolation
  • [Mod] Scatterplot plot matrix improvement (correlation)
  • [New] Addition of a normal probability plot in addition to the normal quantile plot
  • [Mod] In measurement sampling plans, possibility to define targets with capability indices
  • [Mod] Improved display of boxplots and run charts 18/04/2019 -> 09/05/2019

  • [New] Empirical distribution functions plot
  • [New] Bubble plot
  • [New] Multivari plot
  • [New] Exporting data to Excel
  • [Mod] Modification of factor labels in Plackett and Burman designs
  • [New] Rewriting algorithms in C
  • [New] One sample signed ranked Wilcoxon test 04/10/2018 -> 28/03/2019

  • [New] Sampling plan to measurements (Method S)
  • [Mod] Equivalence tests: equivalence limit calculation wizard added
  • [Mod] Modification of the normal quantile plot and integration in several analyses
  • [Mod] Update of documentation in French and English
  • [New] Support for singular matrices in multiple regression and design of experiments
  • [Mod] Modification of the graph of the population equivalence test
  • [New] Sampling plan: addition of skip lot procedure
  • [New] Possibility to add tooltips in the columns of the data grids
  • [Mod] Interactive display in 2D graphs 17/05/2018 -> 30/09/2018

  • [New] 64-bit compilation
  • [Mod] Introduction of icons in project management
  • [New] Label settings for histograms and boxplots
  • [New] Support for antialiasing on graphics
  • [Mod] UTF-8 support for report exports in HTML
  • [New] Calculation of centering coefficient in capability analysis
  • [Bug] Fixes in the sampling plan wizard.The calculation of the equivalent plan can determine the plan parameters for a value of p10 or p95.
  • [Mod] Addition of a data export function in the efficiency curves of sampling plans
  • [New] In the sampling plan wizard: The numerical values of the efficiency curves (OC curve) can be exported in the data grid
  • [New] Process Capability with Weibull's distribution
  • [New] In the search function, possibility to navigate in the search results
  • [New] In search function, ability to exclude data from search result
  • [Mod] Changed the display of sample parameters in equivalence tests
  • [Mod] Changed the display of sample parameters in equivalence tests

SOSstat 3.2 10/01/2018 -> 05/03/2018

  • [Mod] Modification of the display of the results table in measurement capabilities, 1-part method
  • [New] Functions rewriting in C to speed up the calculations
  • [Mod] Addition of the function "Control post" in the control charts for an interactive monitoring of the process with an alarm management
  • [Bug] Correction of median storage for on a sample sign test
  • [Bug] Regression on calculating the short-term standard deviation of cards to individual values
  • [Mod] Modification of normal Quantile plot 02/11/2017 -> 15/11/2017

  • [Mod] Calculation of fs and fsigma in the sampling plan wizard
  • [New] Added a wizard for statistical test selection
  • [New] Added sign test on a sample
  • [New] Added the two proportion or frequencies comparison test, using the Poisson distribution
  • [New] Added one proportion exact test
  • [New] Added one sample proportion test - Poisson's distribution
  • [New] Graphs of confidence intervals for proportion tests
  • [Mod] New layout of the dialog box for proportion tests
  • [Bug] In the graphics tablet module, fixed a bug present in Windows 7 preventing the closure of the dialog box.
  • [New] Added a proportion graph in the test for k proportions
  • [Bug] Fixed 3D graphs in case of missing data
  • [New] Delete the button to save the project comments, the backup is done automatically
  • [Mod] condensed view for control, in control charts with measurements
  • [Mod] The dialog boxes does not close if there is an entry error
  • [New] Automatic backup of files
  • [Bug] Nombreuses petites corrections
  • [Mod] Conversion of statistical distribution in C code to improve the calculation speed
  • [Mod] Display variable labels on the Correlation Matrix
  • [New] Settings of automatic saving in the preferences window 28/03/2017 -> 12/06/2017

  • [New] New wizard to calculate the number of replications in an experimental design
  • [New] Added the log-normal distribution in the statistical distribution wizard
  • [New] Addition of the post-processing in the serial link to update analyzes during data acquisition
  • [Mod] During the automatic execution of the analysis, the settings dialogs are no longer displayed. Treatment is therefore faster.
  • [Mod] Improvement of the display of the control charts with the enhancement of out of control points
  • [Mod] Reorganization of results for measurement capability
  • [Mod] Modification of the entry of the parameters of the Fisher Exact test to be able to enter the sample size or the number of individuals by category
  • [Bug] Fixed copy-paste with some accented characters on windows platform
  • [Mod] Changed layout of capability results

3.2.3 02/03/2017

  • [New] Wizard of creation and modification of sampling plans.
  • [Mod] Optimization of the D-optimal algorithm
  • [Mod] Documentation update in English 02/04/2016 -> 26/08/2016

  • [New] Added tolerances in the module Density estimation to calculate the non-conforming rate and capability indicators. Improved calculation speed.
  • [New] LQ Sampling plan Wizard: suppressed the exact calculation as too slow when goals are the ppm
  • [New] Added a wizard to perform conversions between Capability index and nonconforming rate
  • [Mod] Improvement of the tolerance transfer module (specigraph): Modification of graphs and improvement of the algorithm
  • [New] Create a package .deb for Linux Ubuntu / Debian
  • [New] Functions rewriting in C to speed up the calculations
  • [Bug] GUI fixes on the Win32 platform
  • [Bug] Calculations fixes in the tolerances transfer function
  • [Bug] The correlation matrix graph is no longer interpolated under windows
  • [Mod] Option to keep previous graphs displayed in Histogram, Synthesis Graph, Contingency Table, 3D and 2D Graphs
  • [New] Addition of the Friedman nonparametric test
  • [New] 2D Grapher supports dates
  • [Mod] Support for bilateral tolerances in capabilities with log-normal distribution
  • [Mod] No dot display in boxplots when sample size exceeds 200 values 14/01/2016 -> 13/04/2016

  • [Bug] Full factorial and Plackett - Burman DOE : fixed display of the effects table
  • [New] Reliability : The success test displays the optimal sample size. The test is generalized to the case where one or more faults are detected.
  • [New] Reliability : The coordinates of the points on the reliability charts are obtained with the mouse
  • [New] Full factorial and Plackett and Burman DOE : Display of effects and interactions graphs
  • [Mod] Plackett and Burman Desing : ability to change the direction of array creation and improvement of settings
  • [Mod] Plackett and Burman Design : customization of factors labels
  • [New] Random number generator : Added log-normal and Weibull distribution. Improved algorithm for the Poisson distribution.
  • [Mod] Ability to display the tolerances on a control chart
  • [Mod] Ability to make MSA ANOVA analysis with one reproducibility condition
  • [Bug] Display of the control chart log when the range of points is modified
  • [Mod] Improved management of input errors in the control charts
  • [Mod] The lambda is configurable in the EWMA control chart
  • [Mod] The labels and column sizes are saved in the file even if the columns are empty.
  • [New] The summary function is stored in the project to be restarted automatically. Added new operators.
  • [Mod] Addition of the p-value on the Cochran test
  • [Bug] Statistical interval: correction of the calculation of the one-sided prediction interval of the means 01/09/2015 -> 28/11/2015

  • [New] Added functions mean, var and stdev in advanced inline operations
  • [New] Added statistical summary function
  • [Mod] Changed Weibull and exponential distribution graphs in order to zoom in and move around on the chart
  • [Mod] Reliability: added confidence band ranks
  • [Mod] Reliability: added test success failure test to validate a reliability target
  • [New] Added reliability assistant for success test to calculate the sample size or the minimum reliability level guaranteed
  • [New] Central Composite Design
  • [New] Box-Behnken design
  • [Mod] Added log10 scale in the graph module
  • [Bug] Fixed bug for the display of buttons in the windows "probability of interference"
  • [Mod] Addition of the p-value in the Kolmogorov test
  • Search for data in the grid, by intervals or with a list of criteria
  • [Mod] Added the prediction interval in the prediction graph of DOE
  • [New] Possibility to set the font size and width of columns in the grid
  • [Mod] Improved display of strata in process capability (mixture of normal distributions)
  • [Mod] Added options for displaying boxplots
  • [Bug] Display functions in the editor for custom transformations
  • [Mod] Improved management of encryption keys
  • [Bug] Changed capability labels in Doc Stat comments
  • [Mod] Improved Multiple Regression window
  • [Mod] Ability to select the active cell in the window "Calculation in column"

SOSstat 3.1

3.1.12 04/07/2015

  • [New] Storing comments in the analyzes. This information can appear in the report on the user setting.
  • [New] Automatically open reports with the software associated with the .rtf extension
  • [Mod] Changed the scale of the abscissa of the Weibull regression model (Modelling of reliability)
  • [Mod] Added corrective coefficient in Bartlett tests
  • [Mod] Added corrective coefficient in the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U test (to manage equalities)
  • [Bug] Fixed data cleaning bug in ANOVA (Version
  • [Bug] In the advanced online operations module, execution of complex scripts is now possible on the Win 32 platform

3.1.11 03/05/2015

  • [New] Validation function of incoming tools to check the capability and compatibility of centering
  • [New] Ability to build an Xbar control chart with data in a single column
  • [New] prediction tool in the design of experiments
  • [Mod] Elimination of samples with zero variance in ANOVA (without stopping the calculation)
  • [Mod] Calculation field to set the probability of the binomial distribution in the distribution wizard
  • [Mod] Enhanced copy paste and copy range to column label (remove carriage return)
  • [Bug] Rewrote the data collection function for the Xbar card to correctly process capabilities in case of variable target

3.1.10 15/01/2015

  • [New] Data input from a graphics tablet
  • [New] Measurement capability : Standard CNOMO E41.36.110.R
  • [New] Title and subtitle parameter for report
  • [New] Automated sequencing of analyzis to create a report
  • [Mod] SQL import Improvement
  • [Bug] Processing Unicode in SQL import
  • [Mod] In the regression, replacement of histogram residuals by a normal probability plot, more accurate
  • [Mod] For cell formatting (text color and background), multi-selection support
  • [Mod] Add a date at the beginning of the report
  • [Mod] The function paste transposed is replaced by the function Paste Special with options transposition and addition of the first line in the label column
  • [Mod] In the filter function, ability to define a list of sorting criteria ( arguments separated by commas)
  • [Mod] Added stability and adjustment yield in control chart capabilities

3.1.9 10/12/2014

  • [New] Added notes for active grid
  • [Mod] Setting the confidence level for reliability models
  • [Mod] Added a text field in the dialog boxes to change the labels of analysis without going through the project area.
  • [Mod] Added a biais test in Cgk calculation
  • [Bug] Initialization of the selectors in multi-characteristics capabilities for windows
  • [Mod] Addition of effect tables in the design of experiments
  • [New] Added the name of the analysis in the report
  • [Bug] Fixed operating curves of sampling plans for measures
  • [New] Import excel 2003 file (.xlsx extension)
  • [New] Assistant for calculating threshold for capability indexes

3.1.8 20/08/2014

  • [New] First official version for Linux
  • [Bug] Fixed the plot of the log-normal distribution
  • [New] Added the full factorial designs
  • [New] Capability Study for stratified populations (mixture of normal distributions)
  • [New] Plackett and Burman screening designs
  • [Mod] Improved capability module with plot of Rayleigh and Log-Normal distributions
  • [New] SOSstat validation kit is available on request
  • [New] Management of Operations undo/redo for copy/paste in the grids
  • [New] Resizing the grid during Copy / Paste
  • [New] In population equivalency tests, consideration of unilateral assumptions about the mean

3.1.7 10/06/2014

  • [New] Added the log-normal distribution in process capability
  • [Mod] New layout of the dialog box for multi-characteristics process capability
  • [Mod] Improved RS232 connexion - Settings Storage

3.1.6 16/04/2014

  • [New] Add a column label from the active selection
  • [New] Simultaneous application of 2 sample tests for comparing two samples (search for causes of variation)
  • [New] In the capability module, calculation of the proportion of non-conforming with the normal folded distribution
  • [New] Display the origin of data (grid name) in the analysis results
  • [New] Add indicative capability value in the statistical dispersion calculation module
  • [New] Store labels of 2D graphics
  • [New] Added graphics for multiple tests
  • [Bug] Added controls in the multiple regression

3.1.5 25/03/2014

  • [New] Ability to duplicate analysis to a new grid and improved project management
  • [New] Ability to protect data with a password and data encryption
  • [New] Added a tracking file changes
  • [Mod] Improved RTF export
  • [Mod] Improved multiple regression with correlated data - Improved coding of discrete variables
  • [Bug] Fixed display bug in the statistical distribution wizard
  • [Bug] Various minor bug fixes

3.1.4 02/02/2014

  • [New] Add a scatterplot matrix in the correlation module. This graph is displayed when the number of variables is less than 10
  • [New] Acquisition of measures by RS232 serial link
  • [Bug] Fixed multi-characteristic Capabilities - long term
  • [Mod] Improvement of the distribution function plot in Anderson Darling's test
  • [Mod] Include a graph of normal quantiles in the Shapiro-Wilk test
  • [Mod] Support for samples indexed by a categorical variable in capability studies
  • [New] Add dynamic fields to interpret formulas for the calculation of tolerances (capability module)
  • [New] ability to use mathematical functions in the formula editor of datagrid

3.1.3 23/12/2013

  • [Mod] Data control in reliability module
  • [New] Sample's parameter input in Anavar and Bartlett's test
  • [Mod] Improved some graphics
  • [Mod] Changed layout of capability results
  • [Bug] Changed class limits of histograms
  • [Mod] Ability to copy /save/set the graphics parameters, in sampling plans assistant
  • [Mod] Ability to copy /save/set the graphics parameters, in statsitical distribution assistant

3.1.2 17/11/2013

  • [Mod] Improved paste on the selected range of cells (with repetition of data)
  • [Mod] Supplements of translation
  • [Mod] Ability to change the color cells in search
  • [New] Added a button in the toolbar to restore the default cell format
  • [New] Added a run chart, plotting the average, the min and max of the sample as well as the tolerances
  • [Bug] Improved text file import, with the deletion of end of line characters

3.1.1 24/10/2013

  • [New] Import data from SQL Query (Database natively supported are SQLite and MySQL)
  • [Mod] Added short term capabilities in the multi-characteristics module
  • [Mod] Improvements in the regression module

3.1.0 24/09/2013

  • [New] Multiple regression
  • [New] Linearity of measurement systems by MSA
  • [New] Navigation button on some graphics
  • [New] Reliability module: Modeling failure functions with Weibull's and exponential distribution
  • [Mod] Added p-values on graphics in tests module
  • [Mod] Added input fields for samples parameters in bioequivalence tests
  • [New] Automatic search for the latest update
  • [Mod] Plot Summary - ability to analyze a single categorical variable

SOSstat 3.0

3.0.3 24/04/2013

  • [New] Attributes measurement validation - MSA Analytic method
  • [New] Tolerance transfert
  • [New] Probablité of interference between two distributions
  • [Bug] Improved the search / replace function
  • [Mod] Ability to unstack variables in a row or column
  • [Mod] Changing the storage of log file
  • [Mod] Improved installation on the Windows 7 platform
  • [Mod] Ability to make MSA analysis with one part
  • [Bug] Various fixes and improvements

3.0.2 27/02/2013

  • [Bug] Improved management of empty sample in ANOVA
  • [Bug] Improved import from text files
  • [New] Added the "Replace" function in the grid
  • [New] MSA methods of attributive measurements (probabilist method and signal detection method)
  • [Bug] Remove the display of the target for unilateral capabilities
  • [Bug] Improved copy / paste of the column headings
  • [New] Undo/Redo : Undo or redo data grid inputs with CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y
  • [Mod] Improved graphics and results for two sample parametric tests

3.0.1 10/11/2012

  • [Bug] Improved selections in the grid
  • [Bug] Fixed display in the statistical distribution wizard

3.0 16/10/2012

  • [New] Official release of version 3
  • [Bug] Intensive test campaign and bug fixes

SOSstat 3-beta

3 alpha-1 09/12/2011 -> 3 beta-2 12/09/2012